Article| April 9, 2022

Ensuring Business Continuity: The Fundamental Components Of A Secure Supply Chain

Source: Secant Group

By Amy Zakrzewski, MBA


In today's world, events such as global pandemics, force majeure events such as fires, floods, and hurricanes, or cybersecurity threats sound the alarm for suppliers to develop a robust, transparent business continuity plan (BCP) to ensure minimal supply chain disruptions.

As the saying goes, it’s not a case of if disaster strikes, but when. Proactive suppliers have already evaluated multidimensional scenarios to establish a BCP that mitigates disruptive events well in advance and establishes detailed plans for what needs to be done to restart daily operations sooner.

When medical device manufacturers are evaluating suppliers of textile-based components, they should consider partnering with an organization that has invested in a robust strategy to mitigate risks and avoid costly supply disruptions—not only to the medical device manufacturers, but to the patients who rely on their devices for quality of life.

This article discusses best practices on how medical component suppliers can mitigate risks for critical raw materials, change management, operational consistency, and manufacturing assets.


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